Tales of the Arabian Nights
How to Use Your Skills
- Acting & Disguise
- You: take a wealth and receive 2 SP.
- Victim: receives 1 SP.
- Appearance
- You:
- Victim: if opposite gender, acquires "Love Struck"
if same gender, acquires "Envious"
- Bargaining
- You: give a wealth and take a treasure
- Victim:
- Beguiling
- You: steal a status (not Sultan) OR
- Victim: is "Enslaved"
- Luck
- You: roll 1 die, winner gains a wealth
- Victim: roll 1 die, winner gains a wealth
- Major Magic
- You:
- Victim: receives whatever status you wish him to
- Minor Magic
- You:
- Victim: receives "Under Geas" or "Ensorcelled"
- Piety
- You: take 1 DP and receive 2 extra DP OR
- Victim: receives "On Pilgrimage"
- Seduction
- You: take 1 wealth if same gender
- Victim: if opposite gender, acquires "Enslaved" or "Love Struck"
- Stealth & Stealing
- You: take a wealth or treasure
- Victim: may prevent you and give you "Imprisoned"
- Storytelling
- You:
- Victim: receives 1 SP, but cannot move for the next turn
- Weapon Use
- You:
- Victim: receives "Wounded"