Errata for La Révolution Française
The board game designed by Olivier Marcé, Jean-Marie Roso, Jean-Phillipe Caillat, Charles-Jean Gérard, Robin Goyon, Lionel Ruelle, Jean-Pierre Coureil
and published by Azure Wish Editions
Mon Oct 5 14:24:50 PDT 1998

Main Rules

III. Game Elements

III-C2. (assumption) Should anything happen to cause any of the tracks to go below 1 or above 20, the markers simply remain at these limit points.

III-C2(e) (translation error) The English rules state:

Level II : all die rolls applying to the Royalist's fame are modified by +1
Level III : all die rolls applying to the Royalist's fame are modified by +2
However, in French:
la Royaliste a un bonus de +1 en Renomée à chaque jet de dé
la Royaliste a un bonus de +2 en Renomée à chaque jet de dé
which translated should be
the Royalist has a +1 bonus to Fame for each roll of the dice
the Royalist has a +2 bonus to Fame for each roll of the dice
Thus, it is the Fame which should be modified, not the die rolls.

IV. Setting Up the Game

IV-E. (aside) The Assembly divisions into Left, Right and Center are merely historical and have no effect on play. These divisions show the actual portions of the hall in which each faction took their seats.

V. Sequence of Play

V. (house rule) Limited Coups occur after Justice and just before Critiques of the Government. (Limited Coups being an essentially parliamentary activity.)

VI. Initial Phase

VI-B. (assumption) If due to modifiers a final events table result is below 2 or above 12, consider the result to be a 2 or 12, respectively.

VI-D. (assumption) Although the rules don't explicitly say so, it appears that players desiring to declare a common objective are limited to only doing so with the current or currents listed in the "Common Political Objective" box on their player aid chart.

VII. Patriotic Phase

VII-E. (clarifications, by designers Olivier Marcé and Robin Goyon) Each unused personality in Paris may make one dice roll to persuade deputies.

VII-E2. (clarifications, by designer Olivier Marcé) Any law can be proposed multiple times per turn except for "Procès du roi" which can be proposed only once. Also note the proviso that Declaration de Guerre, Patrie en Danger and Conscription can be accepted only once. [Presumably they may be accepted a second time after peace has been restored. –Rick Heli]

IX. Military Phase

IX. (assumption) When new armies enter the map due to declaration of war or change of regime, they do not enter until the Military Reinforcements Phase per IX-C, which says: "New Coalition armies are placed in the border regions at the start of the war".

IX-E. (clarifications, suggested by player Olivier C.) In general, invading Coalition armies, on their first turn, are only placed and do not move, because they do not yet have military control of the area that they are in. They would be able to so move if there had already been a civil war and the next region in their path were under the military control of the Catholic Royal party.

In addition, Coalition armies do not advance out of their area until the area is under friendly military control.

IX-F. (clarifications, by designer Robin Goyon)

  1. There is only one round of combat involving all non-hidden armies present in the region.
  2. If there is a draw, control of the region stays with the last controller.
  3. If a side with several armies loses the combat, only one army is eliminated.

IX-G. (clarification) The third paragraph reads:

"Only the Royalist can attempt an action in a region controlled by the Coalition. In this case, a +2 bonus applies. He can attempt to control such a region through revolt, even if the Allied army still occupies the region, and even if this is Paris."
However, the original French reads
Seul le Royaliste peut entreprendre des Actions dans les regions controlees par les Coalises, il y dispose d'un bonus de +2. Ces prises de controle ne peuvent s'effectuer que par revolte.
which translated means
"Only the Royalist can attempt an action in a region controlled by the Coalition. In this case, a +2 bonus applies. He can attempt to control such a region only through revolt.
Thus, we conclude that the intended final version of the rule is that
  1. The Royalist can only attempt revolt actions in such regions
  2. Revolt actions are allowed even in Paris
  3. Revolt actions are allowed even in the presence of a Coalition army
IX-G. (erratum, by designer Olivier Marcé) Despite that the rule says that no action may be undertaken by anyone other than the Royalist in a Coalition-controlled region, the rule means to say that no regional action may be undertaken in such a region. Other actions such as arrests or convincing a personality are still permitted.

IX-G. (assumption) Military control of a region by the Coalition or a Catholic Royal army removes the region's previous political control marker, unless the marker was Royalist. (Areas under Coalition military control have no participation in French government, not paying taxes, for example, thus having them controlled by any faction which is participating in the government makes no sense.)

XI. Special Rules

XI-A1. (clarification, suggested by player Olivier C.) If King Louis XVI wishes to use this power, he must do it just before the first law can be proposed.

XI-B2. (clarifications, by designers Olivier Marcé and Robin Goyon) This rule which provides a +5 for personalities to be arrested and automatic arrest in Paris during change of regime includes all the following (note that this rule does not apply to the 4 "arrestable" leaders of the Legislative regime):

Only members of outlawed factions

under "Convention"

+5 to arrest in Paris all "Feuillants" (D'Andre,Barnave,Laclos,La Fayette, Lameth)
under "Terreur"
+5 to arrest all "Feuillants"
+5 to arrest all "Girondin" (Barbaroux, Brissot, Petion, Roland, Vergniaud)
if "Hebertistes" are outlawed
+5 to arrest Chaumette and Hebert
if "Indulgents" are outlawed
+5 to arrest Danton and Desmoulins
under "Thermidor"
+5 to arrest all "montagnards" (Danton, Desmoulins, Marat, Robespierre, Saint-Just)
if "Terroristes" are outlawed
+5 to arrest Billaud-Varennes, Collot d'Herbois and Barere
if during "Terreur", the law to outlawed "Hebertistes" was voted, it continue to do so.

XI-C. (note, by designer Olivier Marcé) The Coup rules were not present in the original edition of the game, but added for the Azure Wish Entertainment edition. This may help explain some anomalies relating to these rules.

XI-C. (house rule) Limited Coups occur after Justice and just before Critiques of the Government. (Limited Coups being an essentially parliamentary activity.)

XII. Laws

XII-15. (assumption) The French language rules list the cost to enact a Civic Law as 100 Assignats whereas the player charts have the cost at 50 Assignats. Considering that Civic Laws appear to be the simplest of all the laws, some others of which cost 50 Assignats, it is probably correct that the Civic Laws are intended to cost 50 Assignats. (The English language rules agrees on the 50 Assignats price.)

XII-15. (translation error confirmed by designer Robin Goyon) This regards the law "Fatherland in Danger". In the English rules, it states

"From now on, each time a new law is proposed, the officially present Currents have their fames adjusted by -1 if they vote against the law..."

But the French has

"Dorenavant, lorsque le Gouvernement propose une nouvelle Loi, les Tendances officiellement representees perdent -1 point de Renommee si:
-elles votent Contre (Legislative, Thermidor, Directoire, 1ere Republique)
-ou lui attributent un malus (autres Regimes)"
which translated is
"From now on, when the government proposes a new law, the officially-reprensted currents lose 1 point of fame if:
-they vote No (Legislative, Thermidor, Directorate, 1st Republic)
-or give a malus to the law roll (other regimes)
The French version is correct; that is, only laws proposed by the player currently holding the government have the penalty for voting no.

XV. Political Regimes

XV. (clarification, by designer Olivier Marcé) When changing regime peacefully, such as the change from Legislative to Convention, the conditions for the change must be present at the start of the Political Phase, which is when the regime change occurs.

XV-B12 (assumption) The Marais receive 1 deputy per controlled region + 1 deputy per every 2 Royalist regions, rounded up, as is stated in the rules. The Mountain receive 1 deputy per controlled region + 1 deputy per every 2 Royalist regions, which, since it is not stated that it is rounded up, is rounded down. In this way the Marais and the Mountain split the Royalist deputies.

Charts and Tables

(omission) The charts labeled Version Historique and Version Ouverte have been omitted from the English translation.

(omission) The Version Ouverte chart omits an arrow from the Legislative to the Terreur box, which should be indicated since under the rules it is possible to transform the regime from Legislative to Terror.

(error) The information sheet for the Royalist incorrectly lists the primary affiliation of the leader d'André as Royalist. By the position of this listing however, and with the confirmation of the Feuillant information sheet, d'André's primary affiliation should actually be Feuillant. His secondary affiliation is Royalist.

(error) The information sheets for the Sans-Culottes and Montagne incorrectly spell the name of the personality "Collot d'Herbois".

(assumptions) Random Events Tables for the First Federal Republic, Counter-Revolution Table:
In the French edition, Events 8 and 9 say that they are the same as Event 5, but Event 5 is not a Treason Event as these are. Event 7 is a Treason Event so Events 8 and 9 should state that they are the same as Event 7.

Random Events Tables for the First Federal Republic, Commune Table:
Event 9 should also have the effect of Raising the Commune, which is unstated. (We assume that the use of the word "insurrection" implies that the Commune is Raised.)
