on the
fin-de-millénaire games scene . . .
15 March 2008
. . .
all those curious about how to pronounce the titles of German games, a
brilliant new website has the solution. This text-to-speech converter
lets you set the dial to German, type in a German phrase and then sit
back and listen for its correct pronunciation. You can find Oddcast
here. Try it on some common gaming expressions like "Spiel des
Jahres", "Im Jahr des Drachen" or "Kakerlakensalat".
If you want to hear a hard ones, try
"Adel Verpflichtet", "Pfeffersaecke" or
"Geruechte Kueche". You can also sometimes get proper names like
"Kramer" or "Knizia" to work as well. By the way, it also handles French and a
twenty other languages as well. This could be especially useful
for all of the video- and podcasters out there.
Until next time, Happy Speaking and Gaming!