138 immigrant; 1-4 SAW; m; enters from Asia; Bear-dogs (carnivora; amphicyonids)
| | MAP
| |
| |
| GG/Z52| --------- -----------------
| 2 | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Asia | | | | | |
--------- | X99 | | X97 | X98 |
| | 4i | | 4i | 41 |
Kula Bridge: OPEN |Angara-| |Baltica|Europe |
| |land | | | |
----------------- --------- -------------------------
| | | | | | predator line
| | | | | EG | herbivore line
| | | | |YY | huskers line
| X96 | | | |BG/Z12 --/S44| Requirements/Niche[code] ARCTIC (dry)
| 4i | | | |2H 2 | Size, Notes
| ^Beringia | |Kolyma | | Greenland^ | Name
| | | | | |
--------------------------------------------------------- ---------
|AF | | | | | predator line
|CC |E EE | | Canta- | | herbivore line
JET | DD | | | brian | | huskers line
STREAM |BB/a83 G/S41| --/P30| |-Bridge-|--/I22 | Requirements/Niche[code]
(seas- |2 2H | 2 | | |2Spa. | Size, Notes
onal) | Talkeetna | Laurentian | Zechstein Sea | CLOSED |Iberia | Name
| | Shield | | | |
------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
|AAF | | | | | predator line
|CCC | X | EG | | | herbivore line
| D | | | | | huskers line
|--/Z8 X/92|GG/S68 MA/M38|X74 --/I94| | | Requirements/Niche[code] HORSE (dry)
|3d 1Hn |3d 1m |2d 2n | | | Size, Notes
| Laramidia^ |Epeiric Seaway | Appalachia^ | |Tethys | Name Legend:
| | | | | Ocean | -- = No biome requirement
------------------------------------------------- --------- H = Husking available
| A | | predator line Z = Size niche
| C | | herbivore line d = dry biome
| | | huskers line i = ice biome
TROPICAL|G/Z26 B/P7 |MAA/P32 BG/P64| Requirements/Niche[code] m = marine biome
(wet) |3w 1n |2m 2 | Size, Notes n = biome does not migrate
| Sierra Madre^ |Gulf of Mexico | Name ^ = mountain slot
| | |\_________ s = seasonal biome
--------------------------------- \ w = wet biome
| | \ ---------- ---------- Afr. = Africa, separates to Gondwanaland
| | \| | |AA | predator line Spa. = Spain, separates to Iberia
|EG | | | |CC | herbivore line X = no food
TROPICAL (wet) | | | | | | huskers line
|--/I | | | |BB/Z14 | Requirements/Niche[code]
|2w | | | |2Afr. | Size, Notes
| Panama | |Atlantic| |Gondwan-| Name
| | | Rift | |aland |
----------------- ---------- ----------
Cocos Bridge: CLOSED
| | predator line
| | herbivore line
| | huskers line
| | Requirements/Niche[code]
| | Size, Notes
|South | Name
| |
| |
BBB/Z2 - 2w biome
MAA/P87 - 1dm biome
135 immigrant; 1 GGSW; mmmmmm; enters from South America; Locust Swarm (orthopteran)
Greenhouse Level: 300 ppm (Most r dentition wins genotype auction ties; Empty slots are land.
(if a hex is all marine, animals lacking at least one M may not enter))
Milankovich E cycle next: Africa and Spain separate; Marine biomes in preferred latitude grow.
Milankovich T cycle next: Mountains shrink; All bridges change.
Milankovich P cycle next: Terrestrial biomes with Dry shrink, Terrestrial Biomes in Preferred latitudes grow.
rm (proto-reptile) - Rick Heli -
Genes: 19
mmm (proto-mammal) - Andrew Martin -
Genes: 10
E: Size 3; 1-3 NPS Feloids (carnivora, cats) [in archetype slots]
S: 106 Limbs 2-5 S; Fused bone - Digitigrade Sprinting
P: 85 Head 1-6 P; Parental Protection of Eggs and Young (K-strategy; Predators of this genotype must be as large as this genotype.)
NI: 83 Head 1-3 NI; Sonar Location (Recesses B and G cards. Not allowed with B or G heritage. Land or sea nocturnal sonic
imagining. Or herbivore tympanum sonar detector.)
G: Size 3; 1-3 MP Pinnipeds (carnivora, seals, sea lions, walrus)
S: Limbs 2-5 S (Heritage)
P: Head 1-6 P (Heritage)
NI: Head 1-3 NI (Heritage)
mmmmmm (mammal) - Immigrants
Y: Size 1 1 HNW Multituberculates (egg-laying mammals)
HN: HN Heritage
rrrrrr (reptile) - Immigrants
X: 2 MMWaa; Sea Turtles (anapsid chelonian)
MMAaa: MA Heritage
Activities Log
Will use Advanced Rules (Milankovich Cycles,
Catastrophes, Biome Migrations, Post-Migration Climax,
Immigrants, Huskers, Advanced Victory Conditions (6.8)), Omnivores,
Re-entry as Immigrant, Hominids, Balancing Variant.
Choose sides.
Choosing starting DNA.
mmm chooses I.
rm chooses S.
rm (A) places in biome 94.
mmm (B) places in biome 30.
Triassic (Mesozoic) - 6 cards
- Card is
#106 DNA Limbs 2-5 S; auction: r; Fused bone - Digitigrade Sprinting
- mmm wins bid spending 4.
- mmm expresses the card on B.
- All increase to size 2.
- A migrates to 20.
- B migrates to 20.
- Card is
#146 immigrant; 1 ISW; r; enters from South America; Crocodilian - Sphenosuchian Crocodiles; Genetic Drift (no losses)
- Immigrant locates as predator in 94.
- A increases to size 3.
- B increases to size 3.
- A locates in 8, 30 44, 94.
- B locates in 30, 20, 8, 22.
- Card is
#98 DNA Guts 2-6 B; auction: r; Tripod Stance - two legs and reinforced tail
- Both players pass. Card is discarded.
- A increases to size 4.
- A loses 1 due to niche in 94, 1 to teeth in 44. B loses 2 to teeth in 8.
- Card is
#81 DNA Head 1-4 N; auction: r; Infrared Pit Sensor or Blood-Sucking - Nocturnal heat tracking
- rm wins bid spending 1.
- rm expresses the card on A.
- Card is
#74 DNA Head 1-6 Sex; auction: r; Mate Selection - Lek Behavior (doubles gene acquisition)
- rm wins bid spending 1.
- rm expresses the card on A.
- Card is
#87 biome MAA/P dry Clam and Oyster Beds - mollusk pelecypod [tropical]
- mmm receives 1 gene.
- rm receives 2 genes.
At the end of the Triassic, the world is dominated, by 10 long-legged anteaters.
Two are predated by crocodiles in the Appalachians.
Also around are 4 fast, 4-ton, nocturnal reptiles practicing mate selection.
Jurassic (Mesozoic) - 10 cards
- Card is
#121 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: P; Mammal: 1-4 BBa Chalicotheres (perissodactyl ungulate);
Reptile: 5-6 BBB Brontosaurs (saurischian sauropod, brachiosaurs, diplodocus)
- rm wins bid spending 2.
- rm plays new card.
- Milankovich P cycle: Terrestrial biomes which are Wet shrink: biomes 2, 20, 26 shrink to 1.
- Milankovich P cycle: Biomes in Preferred latitudes grow: biomes 2, 26 grow to 2.
- C replaces an A at 18, expands and locates in 2 and 4.
- Card is
#83 biome BB/a Boreal Spruce Forest (gymnosperm coniferales, pinaceae) [jet stream]
- mmm receives 1 gene.
- rm receives 2 genes.
- New biome replaces biome 8.
- Biome 8 displaces to Laramidia (west).
- Card is
#149 immigrant; 4 BBW; rrrrrr; enters from South America; Melanosaurs (aauropodomorph prosauropod, riojasaur; Genetic Drift (no losses)
- Immigrant locates to biome 2, dies out on size niche.
- Card is
#188 DNA Head 1-6 Sex; auction: r; Trombone Vocal Amplifier (springtime chorus, song or bugling courtship, doubles income)
- rm wins bid spending 2.
- rm plays card on C.
- A reduces size to 3 and converts to predator.
- B reduces size to 2.
- Card is
#121 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: T; Mammal: 1-3 H Taeniodonts, Tillodonts (giant, rodent-like);
Reptile: 1 HPSS Doves (wings, columbiform neornithes, pigeons, dodos)
- rm wins bid spending 3.
- rm plays new card as herbivore, spawning from archetype.
- Milankovich T cycle: all bridges close.
- D replaces an A at 18, expands and locates in 41 and 44.
- Card is
#85 DNA Head 1-6 P; auction: m; Parental Protection of Eggs and Young (K-strategy; Predators of this genotype must be as large as this genotype.)
- mmm wins bid spending 1.
- mmm expresses card on B.
- Immigrant Z goes extinct as a result.
- Card is
#93 DNA Tail 3-5 Aa; auction: r; Tail Club (swinging)
- mmm wins bid spending 1.
- mmm grows B to size 2.
- Card is
#76 DNA Head 1 H; auction: m; Gnawing Incisors (ever-growing incisors with diastema and crunching molars)
- No bids; card discarded.
- mmm grows B to size 3.
- Card is
#143 immigrant; 1 HNW; mmmmmm; enters from Asia; Multituberculates (egg-laying mammals)
- Immigrant waits in Asia.
- mmm discards Tail Club.
- mmm shrinks B to size 2.
- Card is
#133 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: P; Mammal: 1 IN Shrews, Moles (insectivore);
Reptile: 1-3 AGS Ratites (flightless neornithes, struthiornithiformes & gruiformes)
For the reptiles, Brontosaurs have appeared and occupy 11 slots. The Rabbit Crocs have converted to predators of them.
Also for the reptiles, Doves have appeared and occupy 6 slots.
All bridges have closed, isolating North America.
The original immigrants remain, as do the mammals, reduced to 7 slots due to losses from Doves and a shrinking biome.
Cretaceous (Mesozoic) - 13 cards
- Card is
#122 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: P; Mammal: 1-3 NPS Feloids (carnivora, cats);
Reptile: 1-5 NPS Ostrich Dinosaurs (saurischian theropod, oviraptors, ornithominids)
- mmm wins bid spending 1.
- mmm plays new card as a size 2 predator, spawning from archetype.
- Milankovich P cycle: 8, 54, 74, 87 shrink. Then 8, 74 grow. 26 grows, causing 18 to shrink.
- E replaces a B at 22, expands and locates in 30 and 94.
- Card is
#130 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: T; Mammal: 3-5 BGP Mammoths, Mastodonts (proboscid tethythere, elephantoidea);
Reptile: 1-5 Ba Stegosaurs (ornithischian thyraeophora)
- No genes available and so no bids; card discarded.
- Card is
#95 DNA Guts 2-5 a; auction: r; Scute Armor (dermal; recesses all S cards – not allowed with S heritage)
- No genes available and so no bids; card discarded.
- Card is
#68 biome GG/S Creosote & Sagebrush Chaparral (angiosperm compositae, artemisia) [horse latitude]
- mmm receives 1 gene.
- rm receives 2 genes.
- New biome locates in Laramidia East, replacing biome 4, which having no place to move to, is discarded.
rm loses 4 counters as a result.
- Card is
#40 CATASTROPHE! Comet Impact - Dinosaur stomper; Greenhouse down. Extinction >3 AaBGHMS; Extinction: >2S; +5 genes
- mmm receives 5 genes.
- rm receives 10 genes.
- Greenhouse level to 200 ppm with consequences that m wins genotype auction ties and Kula bridge opens.
- No extinctions
- Biomes migrate south.
- Biomes 6, 54 go extinct due to collisions with other biomes.
- Biomes adjust to ensure no hex has more than 4 biomass (no changes necessary).
- Immigrant 143 locates in biome 12 and replaces 2 rm D huskers there.
- rm loses 4 counters due to loss of biome which disappears over South American bridge.
- Card is
#68 DNA Head 2-4 B; auction: m; Prehensile Trunk
- mmm wins bid spending 2.
- mmm plays new card on B.
- Card is
#100 DNA Limbs 1-2 IMSS; auction: r; Wings (flight, not allowed with heritage of a or wings)
- Card is
#135 immigrant; 1 GGSW; mmmmmm; enters from South America; Locust Swarm (orthopteran) Genetic Drift
- rm loses Wings DNA card.
- Immigrant waits in South America.
- Card is
#84 DNA Head 1-6 P; auction: m; Hibernation (homeostatic)
- rm grows Brontosaurs to size 6.
- rm shrinks archetype to size 2.
- mmm grows both to size 3.
- rm grows archetype to size 3 (begins to predate mmm archetype).
- Card is
#42 CATASTROPHE! Deforestation - Acid Rain; Greenhouse up. Extinction >3 aBI; +5 genes
- mmm receives 5 genes.
- rm receives 10 genes.
- Greenhouse level up to 300 ppm with consequences that r wins genotype auction ties.
- No extinctions
- Biomes migrate north.
- No biomes go extinct.
- Biomes adjust to ensure no hex has more than 4 biomass (no changes necessary).
- 2 mmm B's and 2 mmm E's cannot follow their biome which is on the other side of the Cantabria Bridge.
- Card is
#14 biome BG/P Pine-Cypress Forest - Climax 64 (mesophytic cupressaceae) [tropical latitude]
- mmm receives 1 gene.
- rm receives 2 genes.
- New biome locates in vacant Gulf of Mexico East.
- Card is
#117 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: E; Mammal: 1-2 IIa Pangolins (pholidota);
Reptile: 1-3 a Aetosaurs (thecodont)
- rm wins bid spending 3.
- rm shinks Brontosaurs to size 5.
- archetype resumes predating Brontosaurs.
- Card is
#46 CATASTROPHE! World-wide Trypanosomiasis Plague - Player with fewest genes removes one genotype; +5 genes
- mmm receives 5 genes.
- rm receives 10 genes.
- mmm archetype goes extinct. Prehensile trunk lost.
mmm player comment: "Hey!! That seems kinda sucky....I get to lose an entire Genotype, and get
compensated by 5 genes??? I think that sucks!"
A: 7 (rm archetype)
C: 7 (rm Brontosaurs)
D: 2 (rm Doves)
E: 6 (mmm Feloids)
rm: 16; mmm: 6
Tertiary (Cenozoic) - 11 cards
- Card is
#108 DNA Guts 2-4 S; auction: r; Unidirectional Flow Lungs (air sacs activated by belling rib bellows)
- rm wins bid spending 4.
- rm plays card on archetype.
- Card is
#83 DNA Head 1-3 NI; auction: m; Sonar Location (Recesses B and G cards. Not allowed with B or G heritage. Land or sea nocturnal sonic
imagining. Or herbivore tympanum sonar detector.)
- mmm wins bid spending 2.
- mmm plays card on archetype.
- Card is
#138 immigrant; 1-4 SAW; m; enters from Asia; Bear-dogs (carnivora; amphicyonids; Genetic Drift (rm loses Aetosaurs)
- The Bear-dogs wait in Asia, unable to cross the ice.
- Card is
#123 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: P; Mammal: 1-3 AS Crodonts (primitive carnivores);
Reptile: 1-4 AS Ceratosaurs (saurischian theropod; coelophysis, dilophosaurs)
- rm wins bid spending 4.
- rm plays new card as predator, inheriting from archetype.
- Milankovich P cycle: Terrestrial biomes which are Wet shrink: Biome 20 disappears, losing one mmm E.
- Milankovich P cycle: Biomes in Preferred latitudes grow: Biome 8 grows, gaining one rm A and one rm C.
Biome 68 grows at expense of biome 38.
- F replaces an A at biome 8.
- Card is
#154 immigrant; 2 MMWaa; rrrrrr; enters from Atlantic; Sea Turtles (anapsid chelonian); Genetic Drift (no losses)
- Turtles locate in biome 38.
- Card is
#35 biome X/P Bristlecone Pine Groves - Climax 92 (gymnosperm, pinus; basin & range orogeny) [orogeny]
- mmm receives 1 gene.
- rm receives 2 genes.
- New biome locates in vacant Laramidia East (one extra Dove supported).
- Card is
#89 DNA Head 1-6 P; auction: r; Navigation Skills (Genotypes of any size may migrate 2 hexes; Seasonal migration)
- rm wins bid spending 4.
- rm plays card on Ceratosaurs.
- Card is
#114 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: T; Mammal: 2-6 MMNPP Dolphins (odontoceti cetacean, toothed whales);
Reptile: 1-4 MMN Plesiosaurs (diapsid reptile)
- Card is
#132 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: E; Mammal: 1-3 MP Pinnipeds (carnivora, seals, sea lions, walrus);
Reptile: 1-2 IM Toothed Birds (flightless odontornithes)
- mmm wins bid spending 2.
- mmm plays new card as herbivore.
- Milankovich E cycle: Africa and Spain separate (already occurred).
- Milankovich P cycle: Marine biomes in preferred latitude grow (no effect).
- G replaces an E at biome 30.
- Card is
#72 DNA Head 2-5 a; auction: r; Head Shield (parietosquamosal frill)
- Card is
#2 biome –I Rainforest - Climax 81 (angiosperm magnoliales - evergreen, broad-leafed, hardwoods) [tropical]
- New biome locates in Panama.
- mmm receives 1 gene.
- rm receives 2 genes.
Quaternary (Cenozoic) - 1 card
- Card is
#7 biome B/P Mixed Pine Hardwood Forest - Climax 90 (palisade orogeny - pinus) [orogeny]
- New biome locates in Sierra Madre.
- mmm receives 1 gene.
- rm receives 2 genes.
A: 6 (rm archetype)
C: 6 (rm Brontosaurs)
D: 3 (rm Doves)
F: 2 (rm Ceratosaurs)
E: 6 (mmm Feloids)
G: 3 (mmm Pinnipeds)
rm: 17; mmm: 9
mmm: 6 + 9 = 15
rm: 17 + 16 = 33
rm wins.