Spotlight on Games
Reviewing the Reviewer
August 2022
Reading game reviews over many years, I have many, many times been
surprised by the incongruity between the description and the conclusion
parts of many of the reviews. That is, if I had written the description,
I would have reached a much different conclusion. Unlike in the worlds
of movies and music, or to a lesser extent that of books, there is no
such thing as a "Siskel and Ebert" of game reviews, where one has the
advantage of long-term experience with the reviewer and knowing something
about their tastes and possible biases. Game reviewers tend to be more
frequent and less encompassing, so establishing some sort of
"baseline" to their reviews is considerably more difficult.
With all this said, I think it is helpful for a reviewer
to provide some idea of where he or she
is coming from, so that the reader may gauge the reviews accordingly.
This is what follows and I encourage other reviewers to do likewise.
I grew up playing the common family games such as
The Game of Life,
that it seemed just about every child in the United States used to play,
as well as several less common ones such as
Green Ghost,
Radar Search,
Don't Break the Ice,
Stay Alive,
and others that I don't remember at the moment.
I vividly recall however that in Mrs. Culhane's fifth grade class we were allowed
once a week to bring in games and play for half an hour. One child brought in
which fascinated me by its color and flavor. The set was missing
its instructions so we were playing, as it were, by hearsay. Was it allowed
to move diagonally or not? Did one have to reach a room by exact count as in
or not? That night at home I fantasized about the game, attempting
to hand-create a set for myself.
In such simple ways began concerns about playing games as they were intended by their
designers as well as creating games for myself.
At the same time, I developed an early interest in reading history,
starting with a biography of George Washington at age six, and read
in it constantly thereafter.
My first encounters with more adultish games were gifts from my father,
Milton Bradley's
which while fairly basic and diceless have some war game-ish aspects.
I didn't play anything else more sophisticated for a couple years
until when in my first year of high school I ended up sitting behind a
guy with an older brother in the Navy who played war games. Through
him I was introduced to Diplomacy, an older version with
wooden pieces, and about which I was considerably obsessed for
quite some time. Around this time we also started playing Risk
-- I couldn't find a copy of Diplomacy to buy anywhere, so
I drew my own map and used pieces from Risk to play it. We
also started playing a lot of SPI games. I recall playing
Sorcerer and The War of the Ring
at this time, but most of the high school group
were into World War II games so we played things like The Fast
Carriers and Global War.
However, I was never really that much interested the Second World War,
apart from air or global situations, preferring more exotic topics
-- after all, that war was something my parents had lived through.
The first war game we acquired was actually a gift for
my brother, Luftwaffe, which we found interesting enough to
actually complete the campaign game of bombing every city on the map,
even though the game was basically a disappointment to my brother
who had expected a game of tactical air combat. A few years later we
were to set about designing our own.
After two years I changed schools and miraculously wound up having
three out of six classes every day with someone who was into gaming.
It was at this time
that I was introduced to the Metagaming line.
He knew of a place to buy every one of them as they appeared and
we used to play and actually finish them on an outside bench,
considerably away from the cafeteria, over lunch -- not sure what
the reaction of our fellow high schoolers would have been, had they
seen us. Ogre, Melee and Wizard were our
particular favorites and I started picking up and eventually
subscribing to Metagaming's magazine The Space Gamer as well
as SPI's Strategy & Tactics and Moves. Through
Melee and Wizard I got interested in the idea of
role-playing games and soon we were playing the entire Death
Test series, which we played rather competitively, the game
master versus the party. Since these games were somewhat disposable,
I was soon busy designing my own complicated pre-programmed dungeon
adventures and eventually, when The Fantasy Trip finally
emerged, my own fantasy world. In those days we used to denigrate
Dungeons & Dragons as the FRP system which gave the
game master too much arbitrary control and TFT as the one where
he had to play by the rules.
When I got to the University of California at Davis,
it so happened that there was a game player living in the dorm
right across the hall. He was also an avid player of
Ogre and had actually submitted a variant article. He
was from the Bay Area also owned a lot of old and obscure games
like Battle of the Five Armies. A guy in the next room
also turned out to be a game player and it was at that point that
I first learned about
Kingmaker, which we also played as if obsessed for a while.
We also played a lot of
Steve Jackson Games'
Kung Fu 2100 for some reason, in the dorm common area,
solemnly intoning phrases like "Clonemaster Movement Phase ...
Clonemaster Combat Phase" which must have sounded so exotic
and mysterious that they later made it into the floor yearbook.
It was only a few weeks before we began to wonder if there were any
other game players on campus. As part of orientation, we were given
information on all the different clubs that existed on campus. One
of those listed had the ungainly name of "Conflict Simulations at UCD."
Interested, I thought I would try to contact them. The university
people who managed the club scene could give me no information on how
to reach them except to leave a note in their mailbox, which I did.
After a month or so of non-response, I decided that this situation was
insufferable and found out that all one needed to do was get five student
signatures and you could make your own club. As is the case for any
freshman dorm project, you may have many obstacles, but getting people
is never one of them. So I soon had my five signatures, at least two
of them never having played games in their lives, and went through the
red tape of setting up the club. At the end of it they said, oh, by the
way, if anyone wants to contact you, they can use this mailbox. Hmmm,
there already seems to be something in it. Curious, I opened the note
only to find a message from myself.
Let there be Spotlight on Games
From that point and for the next five years, every month I would
reserve every Sunday from 1 PM to 10 PM a room in the Memorial
Union where we would meet as informally as you can imagine to play
games. I made and photocopied flyers with those little pull off
tags and hung them all around campus and at the local gamestore
with my phone number so that people could call me to find out where
the meetings were. Rather quickly we had 10-15 people showing up
every week and sometimes considerably more as we started drawing
in some from nearby large city, Sacramento.
One of the first things that I did was to create a large list on
computer paper, today it would be a web page, showing everyone's
phone number and list of games owned, organized by time period.
This really seemed to help people get interested what others had
and in playing a very wide variety of games. It's almost impossible
for me to remember everything that we played in those days, but
I can list of those that stand out most.
I remember that we played Dune and Cosmic Encounter
many times. Our introduction to the latter was rather bizarre
as the owner of the game and only one who knew the rules was
playing the Filch Flare, which allows him to steal and cheat so
long as no one catches him. Well, not knowing what was legal and
what wasn't, he pretty much did this throughout, naturally won,
and only told us after it was over!
For a long time, there was a game of
Third Reich going every single week and how to best run
the Russian defense a constant topic of debate. I didn't really
play this, but did compete and win in a Grand Scenario of
Empires of the Middle Ages campaign game, doing a century
every week and writing everything down from week to week.
Later we also competed (and I was again fortunate enough to win)
in The Sword and the Stars campaign game.
Another big topic of interest was Starfleet Battles, so much
so that I submitted designs for a Gorn Dreadnought ship and was
credited in one of the rule books. SFB got a bit frustrating
though because the battles were only tactical with no motivation,
so in the days before Federation and Empire, which did the
same thing, I invented my own grand campaign game complete with a
detailed galactic map, planets, production and technology purchase.
The eight players would send me their orders throughout the week
and I would have all the movements, sightings and productions ready
by Sunday for them to fight their battles, often working on it up
to 2 AM the night before.
Other games we played during these days were
A Mighty Fortress,
Barbarian Kings,
Car Wars,
Civil War (VG),
Empires in Arms,
Medici (International),
Nuclear War (I had some variant cards published in the The Space Gamer),
Siege of Constantinople,
Stellar Conquest,
World War I,
Tales of the Arabian Nights,
and others I'll think of in a moment.
Some of us also spent a fair amount of time with
Champions, the superhero role-playing game while
others were playing
One year the club actually sponsored the showing of the film
The Road Warrior on campus, earning the club a couple hundred
we heard that Origins was actually coming to the West Coast
which was like a miracle to us. I resolved to go and made plans to
stay with the parents of a friend from the Bay Area to save on costs.
In practice, we would finish so late in the wee hours that I decided
I didn't want wake up his parents and instead decided to try sleeping
in my tiny car -- a most uncomfortable experience which I've never
repeated, but during the days were the glory times. We got to see
and hear people we'd only read about like Redmond Simonsen, Brad Hessel,
Greg Costikyan and others. I met Steve Jackson at his company's booth
where he was extremely personable and willing to talk about and even
take input from a total stranger on the new RPG he was designing, GURPS.
It was at this con that I picked up the last
copy of Empires of the Middle Ages at the SPI booth, to the
consternation of the guy working the booth who had promised to save one
for a friend, but to his everlasting credit, he allowed me to purchase it.
A mere $20 if I recall.
I also took fourth place in the Kingmaker tournament, rather a
poorly-gamemastered, unpleasant affair with plenty of arguments over
rules. When I went to claim my gift certificate, others were there
and there was some confusion over the line, but a very polite gentleman
pleasantly remarked "Oh, there's a line" and let me go first. I turned
to look at who this was and my eyes boggled -- it was Steve Jackson who
no doubt had more important business than a cheap gift certificate. I
used the certificate to pick up a copy of his company's Illuminati Expansion #1
by the way.
Toward the end of the college period, classes got less intense and
we started playing on weekday evenings occasionally. I remember
a lot of games of Talisman which fit the amount of time
about right and sometimes during the days, quick games of Family
Business. We had also been playing for a long time the card
game Nuclear War to the extent that I thought I knew it well
enough to program its play, so I programmed it on Unix as a computer
game, playable either by multiple players or as one player against
5 computer opponents. We also discussed a group project to program
Family Business, but like many group projects, it kind of fell
1985 was the first time we got USENET on the campus computers and
we were all very excited at first. But something was missing, we
noticed, a newsgroup in which to discuss our favorite games. We
got to talking about it one afternoon and decided it would be a
good idea to propose one. We soon found others on the 'Net in
agreement with this idea and before long, the newsgroup ""
as it was called in those days was a reality. It was only after
the great USENET naming switch that it became the that we know today.
It has spawned children in
since then as well. I suppose it was that one year got
me an invitation to Alan Moon's Gathering which sounded a lot of fun,
even though I've never been able to attend.
In those days fantasy role-playing gamers had not yet split off into
their own group and there was plenty of conflict between boardgamers
and role-playing gamers at conventions. On the newsgroup this
led to creation of the humorous piece
Real Men, Real Roleplayers, Lunatics and Munchkins.
After I graduated (minor in history)
we used to play once a week or so in someone's home
on a weekend. Along with our favorites from the earlier games, we got
into games like
Blood Royale,
Days of Decision,
Empires of the Middle Ages
(I won the campaign game for the second time in my life),
History of the World,
Orient Express,
Russian Civil War,
Shanghai Trader,
Warrior Knights,
World in Flames,
and others I'll think of in a moment.
We also continued to attend the Labor Day convention in at the Dunfey Castle
in San Mateo, Pacificon, although it never matched the excitement and
quality of the Origins year. One year we were told that we could set up
an open game of Pax Britannica, but into the second turn of this 7-player
game were told that we had to pick it up because a miniatures painting contest
was about to be held there. Although we also attended the Origins events in
Los Angeles and San José, conventions soon became more a way of finding
out what was going on and seeing new games than a playing opportunity.
In more recent years, I've finally accepted and enjoyed railroad
games, especially Silverton, and even the crayon games, have
resisted collectible card games entirely and am attracted by the
influx of the non-war, non-simulation European games (my first of
which was Die Macher). I think the industry has a
lot to learn from them, but am not sure if they are really here to
stay. I liken them to light pastries which taste very good, but
at the end leave me feeling somewhat empty and wanting more. My
feeling is that this type of game is another fad, just like
collectible card games, RPG's and microgames each were in their
time. I gave up on RPG's long ago by the way, simply because my
experience was that players so rarely really want to try to put
themselves in a medieval frame of mind, but instead just view the
game as a contest to see how well they can do, which to me is really
missing the point. What I tend to find most interesting these days
are games in which I can learn something and/or, to borrow a phrase
used by Mike Siggins,
"experience games".
I find American
Megafauna by Phil Eklund, to be an excellent example of the
former and his games Lords of the Renaissance and Lords
of the Sierra Madre to be good examples of both.
Current Favorites
Activities since writing the above:
October 2000 | With my friend Philip Vogt, designed and published
our own "experience" game,
Balmy Balloonists
and premiered it at Essen. |
February 2001 | I have done an
with Boulder Games. Also,
my article "Up, Up and Away", a survey of balloon-themed games, appeared
in the
February 2001 issue of
May 2001 |
I have also penned some game reviews and articles for publication in the magazine
A review of Halali!/Tally Ho! appeared in issue 104. |
June-July 2001 |
Playtester and rules editor for second edition of
American Megafauna
Sierra Madre Games
August 2001 |
Analysis of Edison & Co. appears in
Moves issue 105:
Note that the issue's review of ZÉRTZ, although attributed to me,
was actually written by Joe Willette (attribution error).
It is a well-written review. If you agree, be sure to
tell Joe that you liked it. |
September 2001 |
I answer questions for
Spelinfo (Dutch). |
October 2001 |
Edit rules translations for
Goldrush-City, Saloon and Heaven and Hell
November 2001 |
Provide English language translation for Kanaloa by
Bambus Spiele.
Analysis piece on American Megafauna in
Moves issue 106.
December 2001 |
I am helping out with categorization and various other things at the
I was recently stunned to see that USENET archives dating back to
the beginning
have appeared on the Web. In a curious walk down memory lane I
found a number of my
to what was then in those salad days.
Very few of my fellow posters from those days seem to still be active
in the games world. See
to get a taste of what postings were like back in those days.
January 2002 |
Relocated this website to a new ISP as after five years of general happiness
with, they were acquired by Verio. To prevent the dislocating nature
of such a move in future, decided to get a personal domain name at the same time,
so now begins the era of
March 2002 |
Provide English language translation for the card game
Die Wuselmäuse.
May 2002 |
review of Wallenstein
suggests that the system might have worked even better in a Japan
setting than it does in its current one.
June 2002 |
Feature piece on Corsairs, Cartagena and Pirate's Plunder appears in
Moves issue 108.
August 2002 |
Proofread English version of instructions and booklet for the forthcoming
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
October 2002 |
Proofread English version of instructions for the forthcoming
Gecko Games.
November 2002 |
Proofread/translate English versions of instructions for
Am Rande des Gletschers
February 2003 |
Proofread/translate English webpages of
Gecko Games.
March 2003 |
I have now reached over 1,000 different games reviewed.
April 2003 |
Attend Alan Moon's Gathering of Friends in Columbus, Ohio.
May 2003 |
Submit a game design prototype to Hans-im-Glück.
Work on the English translation for Kogge
by MOD Games / JKLM Games.
August 2003 |
Review the new map for Decision's re-print of Empires of the Middle Ages.
September 2003 |
Help with translation of the English edition of Der Flaschenteufel
(The Bottle Imp) by Bambus Spiele.
November 2003 |
Translate English versions of instructions for
Wo Ist Jack the Ripper
In 80 Karten um die Welt
December 2003 |
Review map, rules, cards and counters for Decision's re-print of
Empires of the Middle Ages.
My translation work receives favorable
from Rick Thornquist:
Best Unsung Heroes: The Translators
We have long given kudos to the game designers, artists, publishers, etc, but I haven't yet heard of any recognition for the translators. There are many games, especially in the old days, that aren't available in English and it's these folks who took these games and make them comprehensible to us English types. The translators do it for the love of the games and to help the game community. I can name a few - Rick Heli, Pitt Crandlemire, and our group's own Patrick Korner, but there are lots more of you out there. We all owe you a big thank you.
(Thanks, Rick)
January 2004 |
Empires of the Middle Ages
work continues.
My game design prototype is rejected by Hans-im-Glück. Among the stated
reasons are "games on this theme never do well" and "another company is
announcing a game on this theme next month".
I'm asked to speak to a local high school class about game design and
the board game industry.
February 2004 |
I undertake the English translation of past newsletters of the
SAZ (German Game Designers Guild).
Work on the English translation for the solitaire version of Kogge
by MOD Games.
This site's variants for Bohnanza, Expedition and Njet!
appeared with permission in the Italian magazine Un'Altra Cosa, no. 15.
February 18, 2004 the Board Game Designer's Forum
holds a Game Design Showdown. Players are challenged to come up
with quick yet nifty game
designs based on a small number of criteria (as derived from my
Spotlight On Games Game Design Challenge).
An example of a 3-mechanism challenge -- the toughest level -- would be to
describe a new game design that had a theme of "China" and the mechanisms
"Commodity Speculation," "Event Card Interaction," and "Civilization."
Players have limited time and space to create their mini-masterpieces.
Previous results at
March 2004 |
Translating past newsletters for the German
Game Designers Guild (SAZ)
The Board Game Designer's Forum holds another
Game Design Showdown.
Helped playtest the game that later became Burger Joint.
April 2004 |
Board Game Designer's Forum
comments on the Game Design Challenge feature:
Not being facetious or anything, but:
is a surprisingly good way to kick-start your creative juices.
hey that's a cool little gizmo of a web page. i just went to check it out for
about five seconds and stayed for fifteen minutes and came away with two ideas
i'm probably going to work on. if you think about it that page itself could
be a game...
And thanks to S.H. Wong -- who has made some great contributions himself --
for the nice comment on a "list of lies" over at
One fine day, I just decide to used up all my ridiculous
amount of frequent flyer points to travel around to meet
up all these people I know in (BGG). Alright,
my secret agenda was to become King of BGG, and have every
game sent to me for playtesting before publishing. I first
went to Tom Vasel and challenged him in every light "fun"
game that he ever knew of. Soundly defeated in every game,
he commented he still had "fun", and they were a little
luck driven anyway. I did the same with the war game category
with Chris, the deduction category with Scott, the abstract
category with David, the negotiation category with Nate,
each time beating them with awesome strategic forsight and
profound wisdom. I trashed Randy on the baseball and word
games and gaming knowledge on Heli just for the heck of
it. Sadly, my victorious campaign was deemed "inofficial"
and not acknowledged, though I am offered life-long free
trips to Gathering of friends and Essens as consolation for
my impressive effort. I guess you can't win them all.
May 2004 |
Translating the rules and background notes for the new game
Capt'n. W. Kidd by
Bambus Spiele.
June 2004 |
Prepared final report on the latest revision of the Decision Games
edition of Empires of the Middle Ages. I wish they had listened
to me more.
August 2004 |
Translating the rules and for the
re-issue of Visjes: SeaSim.
Reviewing box cover text for Whisky Race.
Reviewing 5-player variant for American Megafauna by Sierra Madre Games.
September 2004 |
My interview with Ro Sato was excerpted in an article published in the German
board game magazine Fairplay.
The article is about the current board game popularity in Japan and Korea.
The writer saw my website and got the idea.
October 2004 |
Translate English versions of instructions for
Bad Hollywood,
Stunt Academy
October 2005 |
Translate English versions of instructions for
Socks in the City,
Bambus Spiele
January 2006 |
lists of my most played games
of 2004 and 2005.
May 2006 |
Translate instructions for one of Bambus' Essen games.
September 2006 |
Helped playtest the future Starship Merchants.
October 2006 |
Translate instructions for Bambus' Essen games Tactic Blue
and GreenTown.
Review/proofread American Megafauna 3.0.
Learn that Italia by Andreas Steding, which I playtested
is at last to appear.
Going even further back, have just learned that some scenarios of
mine devised over two decades ago for the SPI game Swords and
Sorcery are under consideration for a forthcoming new version.
Wallenstein is re-issued as Shogun, in a Japan
setting, just as suggested on this site back in 2002.
January 2007 | is nominated for the Best Game Resource Site
by Gone Gaming:
May 2007 |
Helping with development/testing of Origins, the Essen
entry for Sierra Madre Games.
June 2007 |
In the Nice to See That the Website Is Helpful Department, it seems
that someone was wandering about the Bay Area and got a sudden
desire to find a game store. Here's the story of how they
used my site with their phone.
August 2007 |
Attended West Coast Meeple Fest in Santa Clara, California,
four glorious days of gaming. I hosted the Tichu tournament
for the event.
Helping with translations of Bambus' Essen games.
September 2007 |
Founding Fathers.
Featured in the photo album at
Michael Schacht's site.
Gasp, an involuntary podcast! I was ambushed into participating
Doug Garrett's episode 80.
I took the occasion to pay homage
to where most of the games come from these days ...
October 2007 |
The interviews of game players around the world have given
inspiration to a new book in German,
So Spielt Der Welt,
which also includes some excerpts from some of the interviews.
November 2007 |
Celebrating ten years of presenting a games website.
March 2008 |
Called a wordsmith of games by Darren M.:
Simply put... I thought anyone who takes the time to write
comments on many wide ranging games has
something interesting to say and is worth highlighting (or else
they simply have no life)... either way they belong on this
list as they are valuable resources for their wide range of
viewpoints on the huge variety of games that they play. What
better people to have for geekbuddies or just to to print out
their epic commentaries and tape to the toilet door for reading
material while sitting on the throne. :)
According to
Wikipedia's entry for Word Count:
Classification - Typical word count:
Epic At least 75,000-100,000 (or 200,000) words :
Novel At least 50,000 (or 60,000) words :
Novella At least 17,500 (or less than 50,000) words
So... using this as a base I came up with a minimum word
count filter to celebrate the most prodigiously proficient in
propagating piles of prose among us...
BGG Uber Epic authors 200,000+ words
BGG Epic authors 100,000-200,000 words
BGG Novel authors 50,000-100,000 words
BGG Novella authors 17,500-50,000 words
Wordcount: 282611
Game Comments: 1367
Heli is quite simply a game commenting machine. Rising above all others
with his website... he has a word count of over
280,000 words and is the sole occupant of the BGG Uber Epic
author class. Writer's cramp much? :)
Later Gil Hova writes:
I thought I'd have a fighting chance to be mentioned here... but
I'm only up to 11,225 words. So if heli is the Charles Dickens
of BGG, and sisteray is the Steven King of BGG, does that make
me the Jack Chick of BGG?
All of this found at
June 2008 |
Helped to translate the new
There Are Robbers in the Woods.
September 2008 |
Rules editing for the new Sierra Madre Games
May 2009 |
Helping with High Frontier, the latest
Sierra Madre Games game.
July 2009 |
Helping with Erosion, another
Sierra Madre Games game.
This site and its reviews are recommended by the new book
Hardcore Inventing: Invent, Protect, Promote, and Profit From Your Inventions by
Ellie Crowe and Robert N. Yonover.
October 2009 |
Noticed a number of this site's reviews have been quoted in
reviews by Brian Train. Mostly so that I can find them again,
here are links to these:
December 2009 |
Reported on a visit to a counterfeiter of board games in China.
January 2010 |
Translated the instructions for Attandarra.
Suggested that the English title for the forthcoming
Die Speicherstadt not be
"Hanseatic Trading 1900" or "Die Speicherstadt".
The second is too unintelligible to English speakers whereas
the first is too similar to the several prominent "Hansa"
games that have appeared already. Suggested something along
the lines of "Hamburg 1900" instead, though know nothing of
the game.
September 2010 |
Translated the instructions for
Key West
and also
This site quoted many times in Stewart Woods' Ph.D. dissertation,
Convivial Conflicts: The Form, Culture and Play of Modern European Strategy Games.
October 2010 |
Favorite mechanisms currently:
logical deduction
variable powers
theme & experience
team vs. team
Least-favored mechanisms currently:
worker placement
majority control
pure cooperative
pure abstract
January 2011 |
Reviewed rules for the unpublished Over the Road
and for Moritz Eggert's and Christoph Tisch's Das kalte Herz.
February 2011 |
Mentioned in Mark Johnson's Board Games to Go podcast,
with Dave O'Connor
November 2011 |
Italian Rails.
May 2013 |
Inventing the Future.
June 2013 |
Reviewing English translation for The Pharaoh's Labyrinth
September 2013 |
October 2013 |
Rome in Crisis.
Web-published cards for
Republic of Carthage.
Categories and mechanisms used in my published games, sorted by frequency.
3 Ancient
2 Card Game
2 Economic
2 Negotiation
2 Political
2 Trains
1 Aviation / Flight
1 Civilization
1 Dice
1 Expansion for Base-game
1 Exploration
1 Industry / Manufacturing
1 Racing
1 Science Fiction
1 Wargame
4 Variable Player Powers
3 Card Drafting
2 Auction/Bidding
2 Dice Rolling
2 Hand Management
2 Voting
1 Betting/Wagering
1 Crayon Rail System
1 Modular Board
1 Pick-up and Deliver
1 Point to Point Movement
1 Route/Network Building
1 Simulation
1 Trading
1 Variable Phase Order
June 2014
Rome in Crisis
available for print-on-demand at
July 2014
July 2:
A beautiful new version of
Founding Fathers
now available for print-on-demand at
July 27:
published the PrintNPlay edition of
The First War.
November 2014
November 24:
Founding Fathers: Offices & Statesmen,
the first Founding Fathers expansion kit
March 2015
Rome in Crisis
November 2016
January 2017
The First War
February 2017
The Course of Honor
Founding Fathers: Ladies & Orators
March 2017
Dwarven Rails
April 2017
Gave an
interview to The Players' Aid
about Foundinng Fathers.
Updated categories and mechanisms used in my published games, sorted
by frequency.
3 Ancient
2 Wargame
2 Trains
2 Political
2 Negotiation
2 Economic
2 Card Game
1 Territory Building
1 Science Fiction
1 Racing
1 Prehistoric
1 Industry / Manufacturing
1 Exploration
1 Expansion for Base-game
1 Dice
1 Civilization
1 Aviation / Flight
4 Variable Player Powers
3 Card Drafting
2 Voting
2 Modular Board
2 Hand Management
2 Dice Rolling
2 Auction/Bidding
1 Variable Phase Order
1 Trading
1 Simulation
1 Route/Network Building
1 Point to Point Movement
1 Pick-up and Deliver
1 Hex-and-Counter
1 Crayon Rail System
1 Betting/Wagering
June 2017
Celebrating 20 years of A Spotlight on Games!
Thanks so much to C.M. Perry for the
celebratory image he created!
July 2017
Published 7/2
The Republic of Carthage
August 2017
Published 8/4
Italian Rails
August 2018
Published 8/8
Inventing the Future
October 2018
Published 10/23
La Carrera de los Honores, the Spanish edition of The Course of Honor
December 2018
Published 12/4
Athens: The Birth of Politics
February 2019
Published February 27
A Podcast Interview
March 2019
Published March 7
Founding Fathers: Civil War & the Gilded Age
March 2021
Published March 17
Imperial Glory
August 2022
Published August 12
Admiral Zheng He: Sailing Alone (a solitaire expansion for Admiral Zheng He.
Celebrating 25 years of A Spotlight on Games!
Rick Heli