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English Translation
28 January 2012 edits to 58, 59
Stich-Meister Rules for the German card game
Translations of Rules Cards
Basic Rule Cards
  1. The trump suit is the same as that of the first card played in the second trick.
  2. Before the first card is led, each player passes 3 cards face down to the player to the right.
  3. Before the first card is led, each player passes 3 cards face down to the player to the left.
  4. Before the first card is led, each player lays one card face down. It is no longer in the hand, but is played to the last trick.
  5. Before the first card is led, all players simultaneously lay face up 3 cards from their hands. These continue to count as hand cards.
  6. Only the first card of each trick is played face up. Only after each other player has contributed a card face down are they all revealed.
  7. Not the suit of the first card of a trick, but that of the last card played is the one which must be followed.
  8. Forced Trumping: If the led suit cannot be followed, trump must be played.
  9. The first card played to a trick cannot win it.*
  10. Rather than the highest, the second highest card wins the trick.
  11. The card rankings are reversed. The "1" is the highest card in a suit, the "15" the lowest.
  12. Trumps become anti-trumps, i.e. trumps are lower than all suits. If trump is led as the first card, all other suits are worth the same.
  13. All suits have the same value, but trumps remain in force. A trump suit continues to be higher than all other suits. [i.e. led suit no longer has precedence over the others]
  14. The winner of a trick immediate takes a card from this trick out of the game. This card will not participate in final scoring.
  15. Each trick taken must immediately be given to the next player to the left.
  16. The player immediately right of the winner of each trick is the one to make the next lead.
  17. The direction of play changes after each trick, alternating between clockwise and counter-clockwise.
  18. After the third trick each player simultaneously passes one card face down to the player to the left. If because of another rule the card passed was previously face up, the new owner takes it in hand.
  19. Whoever takes the last trick of the hand must give all of his taken tricks to the player immediately to the left.
  20. Each player's last 3 hand cards are not played. Instead each counts them as 1 trick.

Scoring Rule Cards

  1. A trick is not worth just 1 point, but as many points as there are suits in the trick.
  2. The total value of a trick that contains no face cards is doubled.
  3. The total value of a trick that contains no trump cards is doubled.
  4. The total value of the fifth trick of a round is tripled. As a reminder, place this card atop the fifth trick taken.
  5. The total value of the last trick of a round is tripled. The total value of the first 2 tricks of a round is 0.
  6. Each face card taken is worth 1 extra point.
  7. Each Fan card taken subtracts 1 point.
  8. Each Coin card taken subtracts 1 point.
  9. Each Koi card taken subtracts 1 point.
  10. Each Gate card taken subtracts 1 point.
  11. Each trump card taken subtracts 1 point.
  12. Each "7" card taken is worth 3 extra points.
  13. Each "15" card taken subtracts 3 points.
  14. Any player who at the end has no tricks receives 10 points.
  15. Any player who at the end has exactly 1 trick receives 5 extra points.
  16. Any player who at the end has an even number of tricks (0 counts as even) receives doubled points.
  17. The player who at the end has the fewest number of tricks receives doubled points. In case of a tie, all such players receive doubled points.*
  18. Each player also receives the points of the righthand neighbor. If these points are negative, they are subtracted. (subtracting a negative gains points)*
  19. Each player also receives the points of the lefthand neighbor. If these points are negative, they are added. (adding a negative loses points)*
  20. The sign (positive or negative) of each player's score is reversed, i.e. positive points become negative and vice versa.
*This translation has benefited from the advice of Amigo.
Tip: For more examples of the interaction of various Rule cards see our website

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Translation created: 26 October 2010.

Translation of Game Rules

Spotlight on Games > Translations