A science fiction simulation designed by Lynn Willis
Rules Summary
Sequence of Play:
- Movement Phase
- Initiative System:
- determine player order randomly at start of turn
- 1st player moves at least 1 counter or passes initiative
- if he moves, each player in order may move counters
- after 3 rounds of this (4 in 2-player game) or
when the first player passes, initiative is passed
to next player and works the same way with players
responding, including the original first player
- each player gets a chance to have initiative
- each counter may only move once per turn; rotate counters
to which have already moved
- Squadrons (SQD) and Attack Groups (AG) move 4
- Planetary Defense Forces (PDF) move 3
- each nebula cell costs 2
- cannot end movement on an enemy unit
- stationary units may make Transit Attacks on units moving
through them; the moving units defend as individual counters;
alternatively, may Block Transit by forcing moving units
to stop and then retreating 1 cell away (not the cell the
movers came from).
- ground to space or vice-versa is a free move for land units
- on the ground, may only move to an adjacent area
- SQDs never go on ground
- you may build up or break down units all you like during Movement
- Stacking:
- max 3 of any type in space
- max 6 of any type on ground normally
- during ground combat, 12 ground units total per system,
only 7 of which can come from any one player
- it is OK to overstack as a rsult of builds and at start
of game, but must move off before Movement Phase is over
- Combat Phase
- all simultaneous; announce all attacks beforehand
- Space Combat:
- is between adjacent cells, cell-to-cell, no splitting
of forces
- in nebula, attack and defense is halved
- a SQD has no effect on a planet
- AGs use the smaller number unless on a system sheet or cell
- when attacking a system cell, units on the ground are counted
as part of the defense force
- System Combat:
- It is necessary to hold the system cell in order to
land forces on a planet
- only AGs can land on hostile planets
- AGs in space can attack units on the ground or in
adjacent cells
- AGs on the ground can attack the system cell or
units in the same region
- on a planet, combat occurs within a region
- a PDF can only attack when on a system
- PDFs don't take losses unless at least half the enemy
is also on the ground
- Two or more players may combine forces vs. a common foe
CRT: Combat Odds (round in attacker's favor) | Transit Attacks
Roll 1-3 1-2 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 | -2 -1 0
1 Ar Dr D-1 DE DE DE |1 ME ME ME
2 Ar ne Dr D-2 DE DE |2 ME ME M-1
3 A-2 ne Dr D-1 D-2 DE |3 ME M-1 Ms
4 AE Ar ne Dr D-1 DE |4 ME Ms ne
5 AE AE Ar ne D-1 D-2 |5 Ms ne ne
6 AE AE A-1 Ar Dr D-2 |6 ne ne S-1
"E" = eliminated "M" = movers
"1","2" = enemy picks that many units to be lost "S" = stationary
"r" = retreat "s" = units stop
- Last chance to Declare War until next Movement Phase.
- sides at war must physically transfer subversion money
to a cell adjacent to the target system
- Social Interphase
- Tax Phase
- Receive Revenue in taxable systems + 1 per planet
(regions in revolt or with enemy units do not produce revenue)
- I-2 generates 2 in taxes, I-1 and A-2 generate 1 tax
- money goes into the system bank
- You can extort one extra tax per region, but this
lowers the Allegiance of that region by 1.
- Make loan repayments (cannot win if loans outstanding)
- pay the amount on the marked loan box
- move the loan marker up by 1 on the track
- if you cannot pay the full amount,
- all regional and national allegiances fall by 1
- if defaulting by more than 4, that number of
economic levels must be deducted from regions
in your systems
- you cannot get further loans until all regional
and national allegiances are at 3 or better
- Borrow money.
- you may not borrow if you failed a loan repayment this turn
- put the borrowed money on the system
- put a marker on the bottom box of the amount borrowed
- Transfer Phase
- Transfer money to/from Money in Transit Box and/or
National Government (NG)
- other than for subversion, money must be moved through
space (carry in a ship or at speed 3 if by itself) to reach
another planet
- Purchase Phase
- all purchasing is completely optional
- in purchasing, be aware of regional "jealousy" -- see step 5.
- Purchase Units (Allot SQD, Allot AG or Allot PDF boxes).
- each region can only purchase units of the type wanted
by the party in power
- each type of unit costs 1
- I-2 regions produce 6 units max, I-1 regions only 4; other
regions nothing (I=Industrial, A=Agricultural, S=Subsistence)
- may not purchase squadrons if enemy units on system cell
- may not purchase units in regions containing enemy units
- Increase Allegiance and Economic levels.
- Allegiance (Loyalty box).
- spend 1 to increase the curent party allegiance by 1
- extra money may be spent on Loyalty for "jealousy" purposes
(see step 5), but max increase is still 1 per turn
- Economic (Econ box).
- only Moderate (M) governments not in revolt can raise
economic levels
- pay the cost listed between the levels (see Economic Scale)
- cannot raise economic level if system under siege or enemy
units in the region
- Attempt to change party affiliations.
- only allowed if regional party level=2 (Allegiance Index)
- pay 1 from NG or lower NATIONAL party loyalty for the current
party in the system by 1
- roll 1 die: 1-3=revolt, 4-6=change to adjacent party
(if party was Moderate (M), make dr: 1-3=Extremist, 4-6=Reactionary)
(hint: try to have neighbor regions at allegiance 3 when trying
to change a region's party; also good to have PDF's on planet)
- Deal with any revolts in progress.
- Resolve subversion:
- regions with undefended subversion lower allegiance by 1
- remove Counter Subversion money
- move Subversion money down 1 on the track
- Lower Allegiance by 1 in regions which are ...
- adjacent to regions in revolt.
- "jealous" over uneven spending (if you spent more money
for any purpose in another region of the same system,
lower allegiance by 1 for every $ the region was shorted;
exception, money for bribes spent on revolt)
- Lower Economic Level by 1 in regions ...
- which are in revolt
- which are I-2 with no A-2 in the same system
- which are I-1 with no A-1 or A-2 in the same system
(each A region can only feed one I region)
- where the player wishes (i.e. voluntarily)
- occupied by enemy units
- Place Subversion money using initiative system.
- must be physically transported if at war
- Subvert costs by system type:
A-2, I-2: 2; others: 1
- place subversion money at top Subversion Attempt circle
- Place De-subversion money.
- Costs per system: S: 3; others: 2
- Remove Subversion and De-subversion money after placement
- Place Counter-subversion money.
- Costs per system: S: 2; others: 1
- Place new units unless the region is in revolt or has lost
its industrial capacity. Party changes do not affect builds.
- Neutral systems at start of game have 3 SQD, 3 AG and 3 PDF.
- Systems which go neutral have 1 PDF.
- Neutrals are controlled by another player.
- If the attack is broken off, neutrals go back to starting strength.
- A conquered neutral system has its allegiance and economic levels
rolled for randomly (see below), but all parties are Reactionary (R).
National Government
- Moves at speed 3 if alone. If lost, player is out of the game.
- Once per game, a player may announce "Change Ministers!" and
move all regional allegiances up one step, except those in revolt.
- All National Government Allegiances start at the highest levels.
- Only use the "In Power" box if using the optional National Elections rule (p. 12).
- If not stated in the scenario, the National Government starts on the system
of the player's choice.
- If not stated in the scenario, use the following tables to determine
starting regional parties, allegiances, and economic levels:
Dice roll Party
--------- -----
2-5 Reactionary (R)
6-8 Moderate (M)
9-12 Extremist (E)
Starting Allegiances:
Die roll Allegiance Level
-------- ----------------
1 2
2-3 3
4 4
5-6 5 if Moderate; 4 otherwise
Starting Economic Levels:
Die roll Allegiance Level
-------- ----------------
1-2 Subsistence (S)
3-4 Agriculture-1 (A-1)
5-6 Agriculture-2 (A-2)
Also ...
Summary by Rick Heli
Sat Oct 31 02:09:29 PST 1998