Movement Segment.
The first player moves all the ships
from any one squadron. Includes:
- Resolving Missile Fire
Qualifications: 1 or 2 unblocked hexes from target and missiles pass through flank hexsides
(flame missiles excepted) for both ships.
May take place during or after movement.
May fire once during own turn and once per each opponent activation if opponent
tries any of the following on it: missile fire, grapple, ram or rake. Reaction
fire is simultaneous. May split fire as long as minimum is 1.
- Grappling attempts.
Grappling ship must be at Cruise Level and end movement sharing a flank hexside
with an enemy ship. Roll a die on the Grappling Table.
Non-phasing ships may attempt Avoidance.
- Ramming attempts.
Qualifications to ram: Ram Attack rating is nonzero, is first ram attempt
for the ship in a turn, is not crippled, fouled, grappled, fatigued or at
1/2 Speed. Ship moves or starts in target ship's flank hex with the bow
pointing at the target. Rammer may not change direction without moving
forward and may not move into any hex it already occupied in that turn
(no circling). Roll 2 dice on the Ramming Table.
Non-phasing ships may attempt Avoidance.
Rammed ships cannot move.
- Rake attempts.
Qualifications to rake: moving galley moves into target's midship/flank hex
from its bow/flank or stern/flank hex (or if a small counter, from any flank
hex to an adjacent flank hex) or uses Pass-Through. Roll 2 dice on the Rake
Table to resolve.
Non-phasing ships may attempt Avoidance.
Success means the ship is Crippled. Place Crippled counter. Ship moves 1
hex per turn, may not ram, rake or use avoidance.
- Pass-Through.
Qualificiations to Pass-Through: target is line abreast,
ship is moving at maximum speed, moves into the bow
or stern hex of the target and goes straight ahead. Spend 2 MP to move straight
ahead through the ship and reach an empty hex without using a facing change.
Resolve as for a Rake.
- Anastrophe.
Combined Ram and Rake.
Qualifications: individual ship which has an (*) after
its Ram Rating, uses this as its sole maneuver at max speed, faces the target's bow,
the stern and stern/flank hexes of the target and hexes needed to ram are not
occupied by other than the 2 ships,
and EITHER ship starts
adjacent to and with its bow in one of the approach hexes opposite the bow
of the target, OR is within 2 hexes of the bow of the target,
facing the target. The ship now does either a standard rake or a Pass-Through.
Regardless of whether it worked or not, shop now does a Turn Around by picking
up the ship and placing it bow forward against the target's stern/flank hexside
on the opposite side of the rake. Then roll for a Ram as normal except that if
the rake failed, the roll is at -1. Afterward the ship which rammed is automatically
Fatigued. Determine the level by rolling on the 7A row.
- Grapple Disengaging
Costs 2 MP or all the ship's movement, whichever is less.
Roll once for each ship with which the ship is grappled.
- Flame Missile Fire
Only if granted by scenario. Max range is 1 hex.
- Firepots
If granted by scenario, dropped on a ram target.
Fire if dr = 5-6.
- Jettison Towers
Costs 1 MP; +1 max speed, lose Flame Missile ability.
Tue Jun 8 13:07:40 PDT 1999
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Rick Heli