"Forced Trade"
Variant Rule for Bohnanza
The card game designed by Uwe Rosenberg and published by Amigo
Strategists may like to try the following variant rule:
All of the current player's trades must involve the 2 upcards.
If you play this way, you will find that a lot of mindless trades
go away, such as the tiresome "I'll trade you a blue bean for a blue
bean", and now the players must face some tough decisions.
Also ...
Other Bohnanza Variants (in German) at Luding
- this variant
auf deutsch at Luding (15-Mar-1998)
- This variant appeared with permission
in the Italian magazine Un'Altra Cosa, no. 15. (February 2004)
Mon Dec 18 10:37:48 PST 2000
Rick Heli