Spotlight on Games > Translations
English Translation
July 11, 2004
[Translation of the 2001 edition of the rules by Rick Heli. Editorial additions in square brackets.
Passport Translation ]

[Accessories section omitted]

Agents Rendezvous in Venice

Four Player Game Goal of the Game

The proximate goal is to move your own pawns onto spaces that contain an opponent's figure. In this way one receives the right to look at some of the cards of the corresponding player so that by deduction and elimination conclusions about his identity and aspect may be made.
The final goal however is to discover from among the three opponents one's own partner. Because he has the other half of the secret goal, the two must work together to make victory possible.


It is decided which player is to start. This player goes first. After that play passes to the player on his left and so forth.


The player whose turn it is vigorously shakes the masked Harbinger and then securely sets it down again. 3 colored marbles appear below the mask. Their meanings:

The red, blue and yellow colors can be freely distributed among one's own pawns in any desired method, thus e.g. move 1 pawn three corresponding spaces or move up to 3 pawns one space. 3 white marbles means: no moves at all are possible.

One may move past one's own pawns where it is not allowed to remain. It is not allowed to end a turn on the same space as one of one's own pawns. It is not required to use up all of the movement options.

Meeting Other Figures

As already mentioned, one should try to reach spaces which are already occupied by other agents or the ambassador.

When a player lands on another player's pawn (that is to bring one of one's own pawns into the space where another player's pawn is standing), he requests to see 3 of his cards. The following options are available:

  1. The player can ask about the identity of the opponent. He must show (face down) the player 2 of his identity cards and 1 of his aspect cards. At least one of the 3 cards must be true.
  2. The player can ask about the aspect of the opponent. He must show (face down) the player 2 of his aspect cards and 1 of his identity cards. At least one of the 3 cards must be true.
  3. Toward the end of the game further information may not be of interest. Then the player, instead of looking at cards and banishing the pawn, may immediately move his pawn one space further, regardless of whether by land or water. He may not move to another occupied space, however.
A player may meet multiple pawns of different opposing players during his turn, however, he meets at most one pawn from each player.

Whoever meets the ambassador may ask the player of his choice for either 2 identity or 2 aspect cards. One of these must be true.
There are two ways to meet the ambassador:

  1. The player moves one of his pawns so as to end on the ambassador's space.
  2. The player moves the ambassador (using the black marble) to one of his pawns' space.
It is not allowed to move the ambassador to another player's pawn.

Making Notes

After each viewing the player records the information, each view from each player receiving its own line, beginning with the first one. Besides this, one notes (as proof or as a protective reminder with another symbol on the next line, or on the back of the page), which of one's own cards have been show to which players.

Example of crafty deduction:
Michel (Lord Fiddlebottom) meets with one of his pawns one of Leo's pawn and asks for ASPECT. Leo shows Michel the aspect cards "short" and "tall" and the identity card "Colonel Bubble". In the next round Michel meets the ambassador and asks Leo for IDENTITY. Leo shows him "Lord Fiddlebottom" and "Agent X". But Lord Fiddlebottom is Michel himself!
Since one of the two cards must be true, Michel now knows that Leo is "Agent X". Moreover, Michel can deduce that Leo as Agent X must be either "short" or "tall", since one card from the first question must be true.


After the questioning the player whose pawn has met an opponent banishes the latter's pawn to any unnumbered, unoccupied space. The ambassador is banished to any unoccupied colored space or to the embassy.

Keeping Secrets

Be aware that while it is certainly important to hide your identity, it is even more important (and to win, required) to find out who you partner is and make yourself known to him. It is not allowed to show the same player the same combination more than once. Also, showing a pair of cards (as in a meeting with the ambassador), it is not allowed to repeat a subset of a previous showing to that player.
If you are unable to show the player a combination different from those already shown and must thus show the same combination a second time, then you must show one fewer card than usual. At least one of these cards must be true.
If you are unable to show the player a combination different from those already twice shown and must thus show the same combination a third time, as punishment you show him one true card.

For example:
On a earlier request Leo had shown Michel the cards "short", "tall" and "Colonel Bubble". Now Michel meets the ambassador and asks Leo (once more) for the aspect. Michel receives from Leo a look at the cards "short" and "tall". Thus with that Leo shows Michel for the second time the cards "short" and "tall". Since Leo has now shown both of these cards, he must let Michel see his true aspect.

Looking for your Partner

In the course of the game you will be suspicious of who the other players are and with time find out which one is your partner. Then try to reveal your identity to him. There are two basic ways to do this. Either show him the manic habit of the character you are playing (e.g. winking the right eye if you are Lord Fiddlebottom).
Or, show him, as soon as you are absolutely certain, at the next opportunity instead of one or more colored cards, one or several secret cards. Attention: If you show a mission card, it does not count as "true"; at least one further card must also be true.

As soon as the partner has seen your mission card he can decode for himself your common mission. Nevertheless you must yet first meet one of his pawns so that you can see his half of the common mission.

Completing Your Mission and Victory

As soon as you have seen the mission card of your partner, you can decode the common, secret mission. Seek in the list of missions in your pass the line which contains your codeword as well that of your partner.

For example:
If you are Lord Fiddlebottom and have the Bravo card and if your partner (Colonel Bubble) has the Delta card, then can your common mission be read: Move Colonel Bubble to Checkpoint 1.
Thereby you can conclude that Madame Zsa Zsa and Agent X have either Mission Alpha/Charlie (Take Colonel Bubble, the great Zampano, captured) or the mission Charlie/Alpha (Take Colonel Bubble in for questioning). Thus you know that you must protect Colonel Bubble from approaching opponents' pawns.

Winning the Game

The team that first fulfills its common mission wins. This is the case if the specified stipulation in the passport is fulfilled and it is the turn of one of the two partners.
Victory is announced with the expression "Mission accomplished" and by demonstrative handshaking of the two partners. In any case then it must be ascertained that it was indeed the correct partners and the correct missions. If not, then the other two players have won.

Amateur Agents

(Unusual reactions of an unusual character)

Should a player dispute that he has already shown identical cards the 2nd (or 3rd) time, you must prove the contrary using your notes (not cheating!). If you cannot do that, you must be satisfied with the cards provided.

What happens if you (e.g. as Lord Fiddlebottom) try to shake hands with a player and he refuses it?
If the player is your actual partner (Colonel Bubble), then you have had bad luck and the opposing team wins.
If the player is not your actual partner (e.g. Agent X), then you have nevertheless had bad luck and your real partner as well. The other player (Agent X) and his partner (Madame Zsa Zsa) win.

Tips and Tricks

While you are looking for your partner, you can at the same time try to throw off your opponents. Certainly, it contradicts the self-conception of every agent to address his fellow players directly. But, for example, you can also display the behavior and habits of the four characters so as to send other players real or false messages. Only in showing cards is it your honest duty: at least one card must always be true. Otherwise however one can sow confusion as much as one wants and can. For example you can trick an opponent to whom you show your secret mission card so that he falsely imagines that you are his partner! And certainly And certainly yet many more mean and spiteful tricks will occur to you in the merciless spy war!

Inkognito for 3 Players

Inkognito was actually intended for 4 players. Nevertheless the 3 player version makes for devilish fun: What has happened so far ...
The police have put out a press release to the effect that they are holding a spy under arrest. The agent, is being interrogated at a secret place, and it is still too early to say anything about his identity. In addition, the ambassador: "I would like turn up all dirt, since we have found the leak..."

Rules for 3 Players

Remove the pawns, cards and passport of one color from the game.
At the start of the game distribute the cards for four players as usual. One set of cards will be set aside however.
The game proceeds as usual until player either discovers that one of the other two players is his partner or that he has been set up alone.

If you have a partner, complete the game as in the four-player version.
(If your mission concerns the missing character, transfer everything over to the player who is alone.)

If you have no partner your mission is as follows: leave Venice by the quickest route!
That is, for Lord Fiddlebottom or Colonel Bubble, the Yacht (space 5) or the Balloon (space 1), if Madame Zsa Zsa or Agent X on the other hand, reach the Freighter (space 4) or the Speed Boat (space 6) (the respective pawn must reach the corresponding location to fulfill the mission).
In your passport these flight points are marked as small, running figures.

(C) 2001 by Winning Moves. All rights reserved.

*[The German term used here, MeneTekel, is not directly translatable with a single word, being a reference to the incident in the Bible in which King Nebuchadnezzar saw a large hand writing letters on the wall. The words spelled out the doom of his kingdom.]

[See also these notes on the game.]

Copyright 2003 Richard M. Heli
Rick Heli