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Two-player card game for children of collecting sets of colorful
magic items. These are laid out in a grid, the edges being
traveled by the player pawns. The cards are dual use so the
decision of which card to extract from a row pertains both to
what the player is collecting and what the next move will be.
A few cards feature special effects such as forcing a player to
discard their top card. Bonuses are given for large and complete
sets with penalties for odd lots. Interaction is limited and a
good memory helps, but the rules are simple, play elegant and
a good ability to look ahead definitely rewarded. Thus, it
works fairly well as a quick game even for adults if one wants
something not too serious. Inventor-supplied web variant makes
play possible for three with simple addition of another pawn.
One oddity, especially in this version, is that if a player
takes a card indicating a move of four and ends on a corner,
if other players can continually get in the way, he will always
simply hit the next corner, meaning he is unable to take any
points nor even escape from his situation. It's not quite clear
whether this is a bug or a feature. Title means "Copperpot Co.".
The inventor has since created a similar effort for up to five
Herr der Ziegen.
[Holiday List 2002]
[Frequently Played]
Strategy: Low; Theme: Medium; Tactics: Medium; Evaluation: Medium; Personal Rating: 6
Günter Burkhardt; Goldsieber; 2001; 2 (3)
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