Spotlight on Games > Ludographies > Essen 2010
Essen 2010 Game by Game

Word Games

unknown; Schmidt; 2-4
Basically Boggle, but in a more compact package with the dice and timer all permanently enclosed in a clear plastic box. [more]

unknown; University Games; 2-6
Around twenty dice showing pictures such as house, animal, soccer ball, shoe, ice and mountain are rolled and everyone races to form a word from at least two of them and thereby remove a die from play and claim a point. [more]

Der Wortwal
Susanne Galonska; IQ Spiele; 1-6; 15
Thirty-six cards showing consonants are dealt out. A player reveals two cards and the first to form a word by adding vowels claims. If one of the cards shows a golden ring players race to shout "Ahoy", the next time "Ihoy!", then "Ohoi!" and finally Uhoi! [more]

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Spotlight on Games > Ludographies > Essen 2010